Each semester, Omega Phi Alpha chapters plan and execute at least 6 group service projects. Last fall, Alpha Pi Chapter assembled care packages for U.S. soldiers stationed overseas in Poland during the holiday season. Through this project, members expressed their collective gratitude for the sacrifices that soldiers continue to make for our country.

Significant budgeting and fundraising efforts are required for service projects that include supplies, shipping and other costs. Alpha Pi Chapter hosted a successful cookout fundraiser on campus to raise funds to help cover a portion of their service project. In addition to member-donated items and chapter funds, Alpha Pi Chapter applied for and received grant funding from the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation for additional care package supplies and covered the costs of shipping.

In late November 2023, members got together to assemble 70 care packages that included some of the soldiers’ favorite snacks like ramen, sunflower seeds, beef jerky, peanuts, granola bars, drink powder packets and candies. The care packages were shipped to an address in Poland that was provided by Red Cross Fort Knox.
Alpha Pi Chapter would like to give a special thanks to the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation and their donors. With their generosity, the chapter was able to purchase enough supplies to help their packages go above and beyond for the U.S. soldiers who received them.
Tehya Repass (Alpha Pi) shared how meaningful their grant from the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation was that helped them collect supplies for care packages destined for U.S. soldiers overseas in Poland.
Tehya shares, “Since I am a military child this project really hit home for me and I was more than eager to help out. Being able to show a bit of appreciation for soldiers, especially around the holidays when they may not get to see or hear from their families, was really important to me, as well as the rest of the sorority.”

Do you want to further the Foundation’s mission by empowering Omega Phi Alpha members to create meaningful impact in the world? View our recent Annual Report to learn more about the Foundation, its impact, and how YOU can enrich the lives of our members by supporting the Foundation.
Donations to the Foundation support member scholarships, chapter grants, convention programming and more. Every dollar adds up. You can make a donation of any size to the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation here.