Maintaining a Healthy Chapter

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Need help with getting your chapter over the mid-semester blues? Worried about engagement after winter break? Join Chapter Health Specialist Leah Wade to chat more on maintaining a healthy status before wrapping up this semester. You will learn more about what we expect, how you can strive to be an A chapter, chapter wellness best-practices, […]

You’re Graduating, Now What?

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Are you wondering how to stay in touch with OPhiA after graduation? As a soon to be alumni of your university and navigating the next chapter of your life, it can be overwhelming to find a sense of community again. In this session, OPhiA Alum Engagement Coordinator, Rachael Pearson, will provide practical tips on how […]

The Book Buzz: Winter Holidays

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Do you have a favorite book that you want to share? Is there a book on your To Be Read pile that you have been looking for an opportunity to read? Grab a warm drink and a fuzzy blanket, cuddle up, and get ready to share with other members!

The Book Buzz: Same Author

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On December 15, we will be picking an author together! Everyone will read a book of their choice from said author and share on February 9!

The Book Buzz: A Memoir

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Are there any memoirs you've been dying to read? Any public figure you want to learn more about? Here is your chance!

The Book Buzz: A Book You Have Always Wanted to Read

Zoom - link to register in event!

Ready to cross another book off your To Be Read list? Is that shelf getting too full? Now is your chance to chip away at it!