We are thrilled to present our inaugural edition of the Golden Chevron to our members as the newest publication from Omega Phi Alpha!
The Golden Chevron is our biennial Convention publication celebrating national sorority achievements, spotlighting active and alumni members, and highlighting our chapters’ year-in-review in their own words. Expanding on the usual State of the Sorority information presented at Convention, we are pleased to share this compilation of information from our sisterhood offering a glimpse into the life of our sorority, from actives to alumni, from individuals to the Foundation!
Thank you so much to all individuals and chapters who submitted member spotlights, chapter highlights, and other content to our inaugural edition of the Golden Chevron.
And a HUGE rose twirl goes to our Communications Director, Kasey Stevens (Phi), who made the Golden Chevron vision a reality, lending her creative skills to the concept, creation, layout, and full graphic design of this snapshot of Friendship, Leadership, and Service.