Applying for internships can be a frustrating process, especially when you’re not getting any interviews. It can be easy to get discouraged and feel like something is wrong with you, but it’s important to remember that there are many reasons why someone might not be getting internship interviews. Here are some common reasons why, and what you can do to improve your chances of landing an interview.

Your resume and cover letter aren’t tailored to the internship.

One of the most common reasons why someone might not be getting interviews is because their resume and cover letter aren’t tailored to the internship. Make sure that you’re highlighting the skills and experience that are relevant to the role, and using the same language that the job posting uses.

You don’t have enough experience. 

It’s not uncommon for students or recent graduates to not have much experience in their field. If this is the case for you, don’t worry. There are many ways to gain experience, such as volunteering, freelancing, or taking on a part-time job.

You’re not networking.

Networking is key when it comes to getting an internship. Attend career fairs, connect with alumni and professionals in your field, and reach out to individuals in companies that you’re interested in interning for. Building relationships with people in your industry can open doors for you.

You don’t have an online professional presence.

Potential employers may also look at your online presence, such as your LinkedIn profile, to learn more about you. Make sure that your online presence is professional and that it showcases your skills and experience. 

You’re not being proactive.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to companies directly, even if they don’t have an internship posted. Many companies are open to hiring interns, even if they don’t have a specific internship program in place. Be sure to include a cover letter, resume, and Heyo profile.

You’re being too picky.

It’s important to have a clear idea of what you’re looking for in an internship, but it’s also important to be open-minded. Consider applying for internships in different industries or fields to gain a diverse range of experiences.

You’re not following up.

After you’ve applied for an internship, it’s important to follow up with the company. Send a friendly email or message to remind them of your application and express your continued interest in the opportunity.

You’re not being persistent

Applying for internships can be a long and frustrating process, but it’s important to be persistent. Keep applying for internships, even if you’re not getting any interviews. Remember that it’s not always about being the most qualified, but about being the right fit for the company.

You’re not taking advantage of resources

Many universities and career centers offer resources to help students find internships. Be sure to take advantage of these resources, such as resume workshops, career fairs, and networking events.

It’s important to remember that not getting an internship is not the end of the world. It’s not a reflection of your worth as a person, but a reflection of the current job market. Keep in mind that there are many reasons why someone might not be getting internship interviews and don’t take it personally. Keep working on building your skills and experiences, networking, and being persistent, and you will find the right internship for you.

Pro-tip: Leverage Heyo to really showcase yourself!

Heyo is a professional platform that allows you to share showcase your skills, college experience, and personality in a more dynamic way than a traditional resume or cover letter. By creating a Heyo profile, you can use short-form video, audio, text, and photos to stand out among other applicants and increase your chances of landing an internship interview.

For example, you can create a video introduction that showcases your personality, enthusiasm, and passion for the field you’re applying for. You can also use audio recordings to showcase your communication and presentation skills, which are important for any internship. Additionally, you can share photos of your work and projects to showcase your portfolio and give potential employers a sense of your skills and experience.

Heyo also allows you to get shout-outs from bosses, coworkers, friends, and mentors. These shout-outs are like endorsements, and they can be a great way to showcase your skills and experience. They can also be a great way to demonstrate your professional network and your ability to work well with others.

Omega Phi Alpha National Service Sorority is excited to partner with Vivian Chen, founder & CEO of Heyo and Rise. Her work in career development and personal branding have been recognized in Forbes, Business Insider, Fast Company, and more. Vivian is providing great career content for our members. We encourage you to visit Rise and set up a free account. 

This post originally appeared on HeYo on February 2, 2023. Check out this post and more content at