The Omega Phi Alpha Foundation has provided leadership support to chapters and members of the national sorority in two different instances over the past year. 

A proposal from the national organization in late 2021 requested $1,800 for a positive communication training workshop for Alpha Xi Chapter at the University of Central Florida. After a tumultuous semester of interpersonal conflicts and member disassociations, this chapter was assigned “endangered” status and began working with Chapter Health Specialist Stormy Scott. Stormy and the national team quickly realized that professional assistance was needed to help the chapter move forward. The sorority engaged The Beneficial Element’s Amaris Vicari, an expert in mindfulness, emotional intelligence, resilience, and communication to lead this workshop. 

Alpha Xi President Sam Garcia shares, “I found that the workshop really made me reflect on my communication tactics, not only inside of the chapter but overall. I found myself examining how much I take into account another person’s perspective when communicating about an issue. Overall, I found it a very enlightening workshop that has had lasting effects on our chapter.”

Upon successful completion of this workshop, Alpha Xi chapter moved to “at risk” status and recently graduated from the chapter health program. 

At the sorority’s national convention in Fort Worth in 2022, the Foundation provided a copy of the book Dare to Lead by Brene Brown to each attendee. This book was provided to complement the keynote session led by Sonja Bomhoff. Sonja’s session led members of the sorority through the elements of Daring Leadership and encouraged an increased level of self awareness and brave leadership. 

Your support is vital in continuing to support the leadership programming of the national sorority. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution today.

The Foundation has a twice a year grant cycle which is now open. Chapter leaders can submit the application by clicking the link below or logging into OPAportal and viewing forms.

Examples of requests that MIGHT be funded:

  • Officer transition meeting/workshop/retreat
  • Leadership planning meeting/retreat
  • Service project
  • Educational workshop
  • Leadership training
  • Other event or activity that aligns with the mission of the Foundation

The application closes on February 1, 2023 and recipients will be notified on or before March 1, 2023. Recipients of grants are required to complete a report about the use of the funds they receive from the Foundation.