Oct 24, 2022
Growing up, celebrating Diwali wasn’t a big part of my childhood. The cultural and religious holiday wasn’t widely known or understood where I grew up in South Carolina, and I didn’t know anyone who celebrated Diwali outside of my relatives. While this ancient...
Jul 17, 2022
As I started thinking about an area of focus for the next President’s Project, I have to admit that I was struggling. There have been several recent legislative changes in our country which will radically impact the lives of many, and it really hits close to home for...
Jan 5, 2022
Accessibility and Accommodations Coordinator, Nicki Kozub, has been working to create resources for collegiate chapters and members to ensure that all events are accessible and any potential new members or members have access to request accommodations. In February...
Dec 27, 2021
The Diversity and Inclusion Team is focused on our core value of embracing diversity through a spirit of inclusion. The members of this team are focused on ensuring that Omega Phi Alpha is truly living out this core value and introducing new ways of being inclusive of...
Nov 19, 2021
Hello sisters, Saturday, November 20 is this year’s Transgender Day of Remembrance and it concludes Transgender Awareness Week. As a parent to a transgender son, this week holds special importance for me. It was started in 1999 to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a...