Howdy O-Phi-A Sisters!

My name is Amy McConnell, and I will be serving as National President for this final year of a three-year term. I am very excited about all of the plans we have for the sorority, and I am looking forward to being a part of a team that will make things happen.

To all of the active sisters: Good luck this coming year! You are making a difference in lives every day either through participating in service projects or through recruiting new members into the organization. O-Phi-A is a life changing experience…it will change your life, and you will change lives by being a part of it.

To all of our alumnae: We have a growing alumnae program and numerous opportunities for you to get involved. I encourage each one of you to give back to OPhiA in whatever way that you can, either through your time, monetary support or participation in local and national events. We need you!

We are planning an exciting time for Convention ’07 in Jacksonville, Fla. It will be our 40th anniversary, so you KNOW it will be  a big to-do. We hope to see you there.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve this great organization in this capacity. I will do my very best to keep us moving in the right direction.

Your sister in service,

Amy McConnell

National President