Alpha Omicron Chapter at the University of Florida received a Leadership Grant from the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation to cultivate and nurture leadership skills within their chapter executive board. Since the chapter has grown over the years to nearly 80 members, the executive board recognized the need to strengthen their internal leadership team by hosting a board retreat.

During their retreat, the Alpha Omicron executive board engaged in a thrilling zip line activity, providing the perfect setting for overcoming fears, building trust, and creating lasting memories. The shared experience of navigating the treetops forged connections that extended beyond the meeting room, establishing the groundwork for a more united team in the current school year.
From this zip-lining activity, executive board members learned to step outside of their comfort zones and embrace new ideas and challenges, contributing to their individual and collective growth. They also learned how to overcome difficult obstacles as a team. One member said, “I now have so much trust in every single [executive board member] and know I can rely on them to help me through any issue that arises throughout the year.”
Co-Service Director Seanna Ryan shares, “(b)eing able to have the privilege to go on such an engaging and exhilarating retreat was the best way for me to not only get over a fear of heights but also my nerves about being a new member of the executive board. I’m a naturally nervous person, and the encouragement from the others really helped me feel more comfortable, and there’s no better way to create a bond than an extreme and new experience like zip-lining! I felt like I had really accomplished something when we were done and I felt much closer and more confident in my communication with every other e-board member afterwards. It was the perfect way to start off the semester and balance out the hard work we all have put in!”
Infusing a service-oriented element into the retreat, Alpha Omicron expressed gratitude to the staff at the zip-lining facility. The simple act of writing heartfelt notes not only reflected the organization’s dedication to service but also had a positive impact on the employees, generating a ripple effect of goodwill.
Thanks to the generous donors of the OPhiA Foundation, executive board members of Alpha Omicron were able to advance their leadership development efforts, reaching new heights. You helped provide the chapter with the opportunity for a high-impact team-building activity. As the leaders of tomorrow continue to challenge themselves in their leadership abilities, they do so with a sense of unity, purpose, and gratitude—achievable through the generous support of the Foundation and its donors.