For those who were unable to attend Convention 2022, we have put together a recap of the outcomes of proposed legislation from Convention 2022 business sessions and what changes took effect at the close of Convention on Saturday, July 16. 

Consent Agenda

Below is a brief summary of each proposal and the outcome based on delegate vote at Convention 2022. Review the Consent Agenda proposals here: Constitution and Bylaws Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda Constitutional Proposals

  1. Removal of Article III in its entirety from the constitution. PASSED. All national policies will live in separate policy documents on OPAportal available to all members. 
  2. Removal of selective recruitment information from the constitution. PASSED. Selective recruitment information lives in the Standard Operating Procedures. 
  3. Removal of specific Operational Leadership Team positions from the constitution. PASSED. Each year, the Board of Directors and Managing Director will review the national structure and determine which positions are necessary to fill with volunteer appointments. There will no longer be elections for the OLT positions. 
  4. Clarification on who can run for a position on the Board of Directors and removes specific language about biennial convention in odd numbered years. PASSED. Conventions will move forward as biennial in even numbered years. Board members will be elected in odd numbered years by the delegation virtually. 
  5. Updates to national councils and committees based on what is used in practice. PASSED
  6. Removes alumni chapters. PASSED. Review this blog for more detailed information on this change. 

Consent Agenda Bylaws Proposals

  1. Removes elected OLT officer positions. PASSED
  2. Removes committees and councils. PASSED. This information will move to Standard Operating Procedures. 
  3. Updates to the District Summit requirements. PASSED
  4. Removes option for expansions fee waivers. PASSED. Historical data shows that prospective new members who receive a waiver do not activate. 
  5. Strikes alumni chapter information in bylaws. PASSED

Discussion Agenda

Below is a brief summary of each proposal and the outcome based on delegate vote at Convention 2022. Review the Discussion Agenda proposals here: Constitution and Bylaws Discussion Agenda

Discussion Agenda Constitutional Proposals 

  1. Change references of sister to sibling, sisters to siblings, and sisterhood to friendship. FAILED

Discussion Agenda Bylaws Proposals

  1. Was not considered due to the failure of constitutional proposal #1. 
  2. LOA limited to two non-consecutive LOA semesters. PASSED. Members are no longer eligible for consecutive LOA terms unless it is a school-related absence (student teaching, study abroad, etc.) which are protected in other areas of the constitution and bylaws. Emergency LOA can be approved by the Chapter Standards Board. 
  3. Minimum service hour requirement for PNMs. PASSED
  4. Minimum overall quiz average of 85%. PASSED