Congratulations to these soon-to-be graduates and alumni of Omega Phi Alpha. We cannot wait to see what your future holds and witness the impact you will have in your communities.

Camryn Molina (Alpha Nu)
Camryn will be receiving a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences degree with a concentration in Consumer Affairs and a minor in Mass Communication from Texas State University.
Her plans following graduation include traveling abroad and working for a nonprofit organization in the future.
Camryn’s favorite OPhiA memory is recruitment week every semester and catching up with sisters after the summer break. She has loved being part of OPhiA for 3 years and is so grateful for finding it as a freshman.
Mackenzie Casto (Alpha Pi)
Mackenzie will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from West Virginia University this year. She will go on to attend the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisburg, WV.
Mackenzie is so thankful for Omega Phi Alpha, and all the experiences she has gained from being a member. Her favorite memory of her time in Omega Phi Alpha was her Big-Little Reveal where she met her big sister, who is “the greatest big in the world.”
OPhiA has given me the greatest sisters I could ever ask for and relationships that will last a lifetime!

Kayla McMahan (Alpha Nu)
Kayla will be graduating with a degree in Elementary Education from Texas State University. She is currently applying for her dream job and will be beginning her work towards a Masters degree in Recreation Management.
Kayla’s fondest OPhiA memories include meeting all the members in her family, who she “loves to pieces.”

Katie Elias (Alpha Nu)
Katie will be receiving a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences degree with a concentration in Human Development & Family Sciences from Texas State University.
After graduation, she plans to apply to graduate schools with the hopes of beginning a graduate degree program in Fall 2022.
Katie hopes to one day become a child life specialist and to pursue her passion of working with children and families.
OPhiA has given me the opportunity to meet some of my best friends that have been with me through the good and bad the last few years. I’m grateful to have experienced serving my community and university with such an amazing group since my very first semester of college.
If you’re a soon to be graduate this semester and you’d like to be featured in a blog like this or on our social media channels, take a few minutes to complete this form.