It’s that time of year when we get to celebrate the fabulous accomplishments and bright futures of some of our newest college graduates and Omega Phi Alpha alumni.
Jessica Wolf (Nu)
Jessica is receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Operations & Supply Chain Management and a certificate in Business Analytics. After graduating from Georgia Tech, Jessica will be joining Johnson Controls as a Materials Analyst in their Supply Chain Development Program. She will be rotating through different locations and jobs within supply chain every 6 months for 2 years.
OPhiA is one of the best things about college for Jessica, as it became her first community and home at Georgia Tech! It gave her a lifelong group of friends that have the same love for service, leadership, and sisterhood that she does, and she will forever be grateful for knowing them and doing life with them for 4 years at GT.

OPhiA gave me the opportunity to grow into myself as a leader by serving as president, find out I actually enjoy Shakespeare by volunteering at my favorite service project Shakespeare’s Tavern in ATL, meet people from all over at convention, and have fun every week with my sisters at chapter, retreat, formal, service projects, rose night, etc.
Haley Taylor Simon (Alpha Pi)
Haley graduated from West Virginia University with a degree in Sports Journalism and a minor in Foreign Culture. Haley will be working for XTU, Philly’s #1 country station, doing event promotions and continuing her hockey podcast.
Haley loved getting her littles and bonding with her new member class. Holding leadership positions for the PGC (professional greek council) at WVU was really special. She loved being able to be a leader for Greek Life and represent OPhiA.

Diona Julius (Alpha Zeta)
Diona is receiving her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Kennesaw State University, and she has a job lined up as a kindergarten teacher at a charter school in Duluth, Georgia.
One of Diona’s favorite memories was volunteering with her chapter at Open Hand, which packs meals for people who can’t leave their homes for many different reasons. It was very eye opening and she could see the difference it was making right away.
Cami Chitty (Alpha Gamma)
Cami is graduating with an Honors Bachelors of Science degree with a major in Human Development and Family Sciences from Oklahoma State University. She will be interning this summer with OSU’s Institute for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and then plans on applying to Physician’s Assistant school in the fall.
Cami is so grateful for her time as an Omega Phi Alpha member and feels like she’s grown to be a better person and leader.

OPhiA is where I have found my closest friends in college. OPhiA was there for me when I felt like I didn’t belong on campus and it helped me feel welcomed and a part of something. Providing service to my community and building bonds with my sisters has given me a level of joy I didn’t even know was possible before joining OPhiA.