Service Awards

Service is the foundation of Omega Phi Alpha and all that we do. We always look forward to hearing about the different service projects our chapters are doing and how they are impacting the world around them. We love seeing how members take broad areas of service and plan projects that their members are passionate about. Thank you to everyone who submitted an awards application, and congratulations to this year’s winners:

University Community


The 2024 Area of Service Award winner for University Community is Alpha Zeta for their project “Puppy Kissing Booth.”

During the Spring 2024 semester, Alpha Zeta held their annual puppy kissing booth. The project’s purpose was to provide students with the opportunity to take a break from their studies and interact with the dogs brought in by their members. In addition, they held a food drive during the event to support their campus food bank. The event helped to spread happiness and promote mental well-being among the university community. The outcome of the project was overwhelmingly positive, with a large turnout of students interacting with the dogs and expressing their gratitude for the break.

Community at Large

The 2024 Area of Service Award winner for Community at Large is Alpha Lambda for their project “Blessing Bags.”

During the Fall 2023 semester, Alpha Lambda Chapter created Blessing Bags. These were personal care bags full of important essentials. Blessing Bags are customizable gift bags filled with a variety of items that can range from fast food restaurant gift cards to toothbrushes to playing cards. These bags are meant to be kept in a person’s vehicle so that if they come across a person experiencing homelessness while they are driving, they have something ready to donate. They organized collections and assembly days for the items donated, then drove around Raleigh handing them out to those in need.

Members of the Sorority

The 2024 Area of Service Award winner for Members of the Sorority is Alpha Pi for their project “Basic Skills Classes.”

During the Fall 2023 semester, the Alpha Pi Chapter organized and executed a series of “Basic Skills Classes” as their Members of the Sorority Project in order to help members learn skills pertaining to topics such as problem solving around the apartment, changing a tire, and fire and electrical safety so that sisters could gain important knowledge about these areas to help bolster their confidence when approaching problem solving and to help them feel safer. This project helped members, as well as many of their friends and family members, to feel more confident regarding the safety of members’ living arrangements and knowledge of vehicles. Two of their members’ fathers and even one of their members stepped up to teach the members of the Alpha Pi Chapter about these topics in a very hands-on way, bringing materials for sisters to practice fixing things in the apartment, changing a tire, and operating fire safety equipment.

Nations of the World

The 2024 Area of Service Award winner for Nations of the World is Alpha Sigma for their project “PPE Red Cross Drive.”

During the Fall 2023 semester, Alpha Sigma hosted a PPE Red Cross Drive to support people around the globe to life altering care. They hosted a drive to collect goods, along with making promotional products to advertise the project, and was able to collect gloves, masks, medical supplies, and hand sanitizer to send to the American Red Cross. The chapter was able to collect these goods, allowing for the American Red Cross to distribute items where they were needed most. This project was able to benefit a lot of people, especially with how active the American Red Cross is in supplying products for those in need.

Permanent Project – Mental Health

The 2024 Area of Service Award winners for Mental Health are Alpha Lambda for their project “Outrace The Stigma 5K” and Alpha Chi for their project “Developmental Therapy Center All-Inclusive Egg Hunt.” 

During the Spring 2024 semester Alpha Lambda held their annual Outrace the Stigma 5K. For this community-driven 5K the goal is to foster understanding around mental health issues. Members strive to empower individuals to openly discuss, support, and overcome the stigma surrounding mental illness. Through this event, they  aim to not only raise money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), but also spread awareness of the struggles that many people face on a daily basis. The race attracted over 180 participants and raised over $5,000 in donations for NAMI.

During the Spring 2024 semester, Alpha Chi supported the Huntington’s Developmental Therapy Center, also known as DTC with their Eggciting Egg Hunt. This event is all-inclusive for any disability a child may have. There are four categories that patients and families can choose from including bunny tail (restricted mobility), peep peep (visually impaired), quiet bunny (sensory processing difficulties), and every bunny welcome (any patients with disability and their siblings). In addition to supporting day of they donated over 500 eggs towards the hunt that were filled with candy and trinkets.

2023-2024 President’s Project – Helping Hands

The 2024 Area of Service Award winner for Helping Hands is Delta for their project “TAMU Build.” 

For the Fall 2023 semester, Delta Chapter participate in BUILD. Members had the opportunity to help build and send out portable medical clinics. Activities included painting, sanding, preparing panels, installing frames, and many other tasks while on the BUILD site.

Chapter Awards

National Service Award

This award recognizes great achievement in performing service projects and confers the sorority’s most distinguished annual honor for an active collegiate chapter.

2024 National Service Award: Alpha Omicron

National Membership Award

This award recognizes the chapter that has the greatest proportionate increase in membership during the year.

2024 National Membership Award: Alpha Omicron

2024 Outstanding Officer Awards

The outstanding chapter officer awards are leadership awards given to any members who focus on what their yearly duties are and complete all the mandated tasks throughout the year by their designated time frames.


  • Jaida Diaz (Omega)
  • Kaylea Felfe (Alpha Nu)
  • Liv Booker (Rho)
  • Payton Bingham (Rho)
  • Jordan Foster (Alpha)
  • Sicilia Randazzo (Chi)

Vice President:

  • Alyssa Harris (Alpha Phi)
  • Lauren Hall (Rho)


  • Emma McGuffey (Rho)
  • Olivia Michalik (Gamma)
  • Gabi Moulton (Omega)


  • William Cook (Chi)
  • Hallie Davis-Proctor (Alpha Lambda)
  • Riya Patel (Alpha Phi)
  • Hope Collier (Alpha Zeta)

Sisterhood Officer: 

  • Alaina Hammer (Alpha Theta)
  • Julia Comiskey (Alpha Phi)
  • AJ Dellinger (Alpha Sigma)
  • Emma Vermillion (Epsilon)
  • Mary Louise Wooters (Rho)

Service Director: 

  • Haley Van Vliet (Alpha Sigma)
  • Ashley McClure (Alpha Chi)
  • Jessica Davenport and Rilee Gleaves (Rho)
  • Abby Kayani (Alpha Theta)
  • Janis Osbrink (Epsilon)

Membership Director: 

  • Molly Ostaszewski (Omega)
  • Ally Welch (Alpha Chi)
  • Ruth Cathey (Rho)
  • Olivia Cameron and Ashley Phan (Alpha Mu)
  • Nicolette Jeantilus (Phi)

Active District Officer

  • Nabeeha Nuba (Nu)