Legislation at Convention 2024
All legislative proposals to be considered at Convention 2024 in July are now available for member review.
Legislative Proposals
- Legislative Agenda for Discussion: These proposed amendments are quite substantive. This means that during Convention each amendment will be separately considered, discussed, and voted on.
- Legislative Consent Agenda: These proposals will be considered and voted on as a collective group without discussion because they are considered low-impact, and mostly administrative in nature to reflect current terminology and practice.
If you have specific questions regarding legislation, reach out to our Legislation Committee Chair at legislation@omegaphialpha.org.
Legislative Review Sessions
We will again be hosting legislative review sessions this year. There are currently three sessions scheduled. We recommend all members attend a review session so they are educated about the legislation and can discuss their thoughts with their respective voting delegates.
Please register for a review session by visiting the links below.
Info for Actives
All actives are encouraged to attend the Legislative Review for Active Members so you can better understand all of the legislation that is being proposed, and feel educated to discuss your opinions with your chapter’s voting delegates. Each chapter’s voting delegates will be casting votes on behalf of their chapter.
Info for Voting Delegates
The Final Legislative Review for Voting Delegates session is a chance for voting delegates to clarify any remaining questions or concerns and also understand the process that will be followed for both discussing and voting upon legislation at Convention.
Info for Alumni
All alumni are encouraged to attend the Legislative Review for Alumni as it will be a forum for you to reach your alumni delegates and share your thoughts on this year’s proposed legislation. Alumni delegates are selected to represent the region in which they reside. There are also at-large delegates who represent the entire alumni membership.
Alumni delegates cast their votes on behalf of their region so your voice is important! If you cannot attend the review session, please use the contact information below to email your regional delegate with your thoughts and concerns.

Click a region button to contact your delegates!
Melanie Avila
Misty Kelley Sharpe
Summer Ray
Catherine Ferrell
Dani Frank
Marlene Purdy
Susan Crook
Jenna Zielinski
Megan Sheppard
Mary Harrison
Georgia Fruendt
Corey Goodburn
Jessica Mitchell
Hollyann Rossana
Meaghan McQueary
Lisa Guest
Pam Faulkner
Lynze Vickers
Lindsey LePere
Legislation Frequently Asked Questions
What are the important dates to remember?
Submissions are open through February 15. Approved Legislation is released on March 15.
Following the release of legislation, there will be a number of townhall discussions for members to ask questions and discuss the proposals.
Why should I submit legislation?
Submitting legislation is the same concept as submitting legislation in Congress. You’re submitting changes that you want to see implemented and voted upon by the delegates at convention.
Submitting legislative proposals is a way to have your voice heard by ALL members.
How do I submit a proposal or amendment?
Proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws must be submitted via OPAportal using the proper template.
The template and a link to the submission form may be found on the Legislation Page on the national website.
Members are welcome to submit multiple legislative proposals. However, if you have multiple proposals, you must ensure that each proposal is submitted in a separate document.
Are there any accessibility accommodations that can be made if I am unable to submit under the current terms?
Email legislation@omegaphialpha.org, and the committee will work with you to accommodate your needs.
What makes a good proposal?
A good proposal starts with seeing a problem, and addressing it. Good proposals are built on good ideas.
A good proposal also includes thorough and thoughtful rationale for why the change should be made.
How should I start my proposal?
The first step is to get familiar with the most current Constitution and Bylaws. Both can be found on OPAportal.
After that, determine if your proposal applies to amending the Constitution and/or Bylaws, or if your proposal needs to be a substantive proposal. If it needs to be a proposed amendment to the Constitution and/or Bylaws, follow the outline and questions in the submission templates.
If it’s a substantive proposal, email legislation@omegaphialpa.org.
Who will decide if my proposal “passes”?
The Legislative Committee reviews all proposals and votes to decide whether each proposal is moved to either the consent agenda or discussion agenda.
Regardless of which agenda the proposal is moved to, both agendas will be presented at Convention. Proposals on both agendas are considered and either approved or denied by the voting delegation at Convention.
Are there things in the Constitution and Bylaws that can’t be changed or suggested to change?
No. All articles and sections are open to amendment.
How will I know if someone else has the same proposal as me? What happens then?
The committee looks at both pieces of legislation, and chooses the proposal that is more clearly written or has more in depth rationale. We will let you know as soon as we can, and will have made a decision on the legislation.
If for some reason the proposals are nearly identical, the committee will connect the two members who have submitted the proposals and suggest they jointly submit their proposal.
How will proposals be introduced at convention? Will I be allowed to speak on it if I’m in attendance?
Proposals are introduced in “New Business” at Convention.
There will be two agendas for consideration – an agenda for discussion and a consent agenda.
The agenda for discussion will consist of proposals the Legislation Committee has deemed worthy of open discussion at Convention. Each proposal on the agenda for discussion will be individually considered and voted upon. If your proposal finds its way to the discussion agenda and you are attending convention in-person, you will be able to offer your proposal in-person and offer a brief description of your rationale.
The consent agenda will consist of proposals the committee believes have minimal impact or do not need extended discussion. Proposals on the consent agenda are considered and voted on in one motion.
All approved legislation is effective at the close of Convention.
What is a substantive proposal?
A substantive proposal is a change/idea you want to see implemented, but it is something that doesn’t live in the constitution or bylaws. For example, in the past, there have been substantive proposals for the following initiatives:
- Naming the Omega Phi Alpha Scholarship Fund after Pamela McEwen
- Naming the Alumni Service Award after Ann DeMatteo
If you are unsure whether your idea could be grounds for a substantive proposal, reach out to legislation@omegaphialpha.org and we can help!
Am I allowed to suggest events or programs with this form?
Events or programming suggestions/proposals are best proposed via a substantive proposal. Email legislation@omegaphialpha.org with any questions on substantive proposals.
I need to edit my already-submitted proposal. What should I do?
Re-submit the legislation, but in the first line of the proposal state that it is a revised/edited version of one already submitted. Email legislation@omegaphialpha.org after you resubmit. We will send you a confirmation email to confirm that we have received/acknowledge your revised proposal.