Foundation Leadership Team

Penny Guiles (Chi)
Foundation Board President
Penny has served on the Foundation Board of Directors since July 2022 and has taken on the roles of secretary and interim President. With her years of experience as a national volunteer, Penny has worked diligently with other Board members to create awareness about the Foundation and to ensure the Foundation is sustainable and supporting the Sorority’s mission for years to come.

Catharine Mini (Phi)
Foundation Board Vice President
With years of experience in marketing and development leadership, both in and outside of the nonprofit industry, Catharine has honed her skills in leading organizations in effective communication and development. Drawing on her expertise in community building and fundraising, she is looking forward to bringing her knowledge of organizational development to the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation.
Passionate about serving on the Foundation’s Board of Directors, she believes that true impact comes from working together with others and from giving back to the community. Catharine’s personal vision is to carve a path where every Omega Phi Alpha member has access to the tools they need to make a difference in the world through leadership, education and volunteer service.

April Carroll (Mu)
Foundation Board Secretary
April has been an active member of the Sorority Operational Leadership Team for several years and has valuable insights into the operations of the Sorority at a national level. She has direct experience working with active members and is eager to serve as the Secretary on the Board. She looks forward to helping bridge the gap between the Foundation and active chapters.

Sara Voris (Chi)
Foundation Board Treasurer
Having worked in the banking industry for nearly 15 years, Sara brings a wealth of financial experience and expertise to the Foundation and is the Board’s Treasurer. As a regular donor to multiple charities such as HOPE International and United Way, Sara is excited to expand her philanthropy through the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation and get more involved as a Board member.
Sara is an alum of Chi Chapter at University of South Carolina where she was chapter president, and earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and French, as well as an International M.B.A.

Candace Moore (Alpha Zeta)
Foundation Board Member
Candace is an alum of Alpha Zeta chapter, and serving has always been a forefront in her life. In elementary school, she was a Girl Scout and later joined JROTC in high school. Both of these organizations helped her find love for serving and leadership. In the fall of 2017, she joined Omega Phi Alpha and immediately fell in love with the sorority and its focus on service.
As an active member of the sorority, she was the Active District Officer, Service Director, and held many chair positions. At Kennesaw State University, she studied Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality which led her to starting her own event planning business which she opened in 2021.
As an alum, she has taken 3 little sisters at newly inducted chapters, attended two chapter inductions, and raised funds as a Foundation Ambassador for Giving Tuesday. Along with raising her two children, Candace finds joy through seeking service opportunities and is incredibly excited to join the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation Board of Directors.

Yeoeun Yoon (Omega)
Foundation Programs Director
Yeoeun has served as the Foundation Programs Director since July 2020. She works with the Foundation Board of Directors to carry out scholarship programs for active and alumni members. Yeoeun is an alum of the Omega Chapter at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, where she studied International Business. As an active member of the sorority, Yeoeun was Treasurer of the Omega Chapter. After graduating from Auburn University, Yeoeun attended and graduated from the University of Illinois College of Law in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois and currently lives in the Greater Chicago area. Yeoeun is excited to continue working with amazing people and causes through the Foundation.