The Chevron

Omega Phi Alpha’s official national publication, the Chevron, is produced by Omega Phi Alpha’s communications team with input from national leadership and members.
Previously, Chevron was a print-newsletter mailed quarterly to members in the organization’s database. In 2020, Chevron transitioned to an email newsletter sent via email to members.
Distribution and Submissions
The Chevron is emailed to all members on OPAportal. You can also subscribe to the newsletter!
Stay in Touch—Membership Database Updates
To receive national communications, the sorority maintains an online membership database (OPAportal) that members can access to update contact information. This is important when collegiate members graduate or when they move or get married.
Visit OPAportal now to update your information.
Make sure you never miss an issue of The Chevron
Want to read a past PRINT issue?
Past issues of Chevron can be read on Issuu!
Want to read a past E-Newsletter issue?
Submit a Story for Publication!
To submit a story, idea, update, photo, or sister spotlight complete the form found at the link below.
*Note: Photo submissions should be original size files in jpg format (300-dpi high resolution). Please do not embed your photos within a Microsoft Word document or Google Doc to submit. Please also obtain permission for photo use. (See privacy policy.)