
Omega Phi Alpha’s National Convention is the biennial gathering of delegates from each active university chapter, national officers, and alumni representatives.

The delegation makes decisions that will guide the future of the sorority. Although day-to-day administrative decisions are made during the year by the national officers, all of the sorority’s important national issues are decided by the convention delegation.

In addition, a large part of the convention is devoted to exchanging ideas, networking, and developing skills that chapter leaders will use in maintaining a healthy chapter. But the best part of attending the convention is the chance to make new OPhiA memories beyond college, build new friendships, strengthen bonds with other sisters, and find a new way for personal growth within the sorority.


convention business

Convention 2024 will be held in

Greenville, SC

Save the dates: July 11 – 14, 2024

Days until Convention 2024












Active Chapter Delegates

All chapters must be represented at the national convention.

Active chapters in good standing should send at least two voting delegates to represent their members.

Additional active members can also attend and participate in all convention activities.

The more who attend, the better each chapter will be as a result.

Alum Delegates

All alumni are invited to register and attend the convention.

Alumni can attend on their own or apply to be an alumni delegate.

Alumni make a huge contribution at this event. The planning committee, coordinators, and national leaders are almost all alumni.

All alumni attending the convention can offer input to the alumni delegates, who are then responsible for casting their votes on behalf of all alumni worldwide.