National Volunteer Positions

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National Teams

National volunteer positions are organized into three levels:

The sorority’s national Board of Directors (BOD) is the top level of leadership and composed of five members elected at the national convention. These individuals are responsible for strategic planning and ensuring vision goals are being met.

Operational Leadership Team (OLT) Directors & Managers act as middle management and have their own duties and also supervise operational coordinators. The executive director appoints most of the director positions, five are elected at the spring district summits, and some are contracted with nonmembers.

Operational Leadership Team (OLT) Coordinators are entry-level, appointed positions, responsible for performing specific duties for the national organization. Keeping these roles specific allows those serving in these positions to have clear deliverables.

Board of Directors (BOD) Position Descriptions

The National President shall provide strategic oversight for the sorority in tandem with other officers of the National Board of Directors. 

Strategic Duties 

  • Oversee strategic planning process and its implementation 
  • Stay current with trends related to service learning and collegiate involvement, identifying  potential partnerships and opportunities to strengthen OPhiA’s purpose and mission 
  • Ensure that officers of the National Board of Directors are fulfilling the expectations of their  roles. Provide support, training and coaching as required for success 
  • Identify resources needed to achieve the strategic goals of the sorority and develop a plan for  attainment 

Administrative Duties 

  • Preside at the national convention and meetings of the National Board of Directors 
  • Ensure that the national budget is aligned with the strategic direction of the sorority
  • Sign contracts in the name of Omega Phi Alpha after legal review 
  • Appoint legal advisor, financial review committee chair, nominating committee chair and other  committees as required 
  • Ensure that national constitution and bylaws are observed 
  • Ensure the national convention business agenda is developed, and a slate of officers is presented
  • Serve as the sorority’s official spokesperson in tandem with VP Communications 
  • Serve as the sorority’s representative on the OPA Foundation Board of Directors
  • Serve as immediate supervisor of the Managing Director


The Vice President of Communications provides strategic oversight of the sorority with a focus on brand integrity and global awareness.

  • Research current trends and best practices for integrated marketing and brand integrity that ensures  successful implementation consistent with the overall strategic vision of the sorority.
  • Offer insight and recommendations to broaden participation in regional and national events through use of communication platforms, bringing programs to life for those who cannot attend in-person
  • Offer insight and recommendations to enhance communications/marketing operational strategies,  broaden awareness of sorority priorities, and increase visibility and engagement across key stakeholder  audiences 
  • Identify challenges and emerging issues faced by the sorority and define appropriate internal/external  communication opportunities to support them 
  • In tandem with national president, serve as sorority spokesperson

The Vice President of Lifetime Membership provides strategic oversight of the sorority by focusing on all aspects of sorority membership, from recruitment of new collegiate members and colonies through alumnae membership.

  • Research and stay up to date on trends and best practices with Greek Letter organizations, service membership organizations, and higher education 
  • Review and evaluate membership information, including diversity and inclusion measures and initiatives, to inform the strategic plan of the sorority 
  • Advise the National Board of Directors on long-term membership issues and opportunities, including local/regional collegiate service organizations that could benefit from alignment with OPhiA
  • Evaluate the membership program’s success against established criteria and make recommendations  based on that information 
  • Stay up to date on trends in member engagement and retention strategies

The Vice President of Programs provides strategic oversight of the sorority with a focus on the service, leadership, and sisterhood programs.

  • Critically review programming information and projections to enable the development and successful implementation of strategic planning for the sorority 
  • Research and stay up to date on trends and best practices related to training and development,  leadership and service learning. 
  • Research trends, partnerships and best practices related to non-profit event content and delivery, making recommendations to enhance district and national events accordingly
  • Offer recommendations to enhance service and cardinal principles programs in consultation with  operational team

The Vice President of Finance provides strategic oversight of the sorority with a focus on all aspects of financial management including financial analysis and trending, budgeting, cash management, and corporate compliance.

  • Provide BOD with financial information and projections to enable the development and successful  implementation of strategic planning for the sorority. 
  • Ensure financial statements are prepared for the national organizations (all funds) including a balance  sheet, statement of revenue and expenses, and a budget vs. actual statement at mid-year and year-end.  The year-end reports must be prepared in time for the national convention. 
  • Ensure appropriate processes are in place to record and deposit all monies received.
  • Review the bank reconciliation(s) prepared by the booker at least quarterly. 
  • Chair the budget committee for the national organization and present the annual budget to the national  delegation for approval each year at convention.
  • Ensure supporting documents are provided to the tax preparer annually and provide all the necessary  information needed for the successful completion of the tax return. 
  • Respond to all inquiries or requests for information from the IRS for the national organization or any  active or alumnae chapter. 
  • Ensure supporting documentation is maintained for national dues and all revenue collected.
  • Other related tasks as needed.