Founders’ Circle

Celebrating the Foundation’s First Investors


In 2021, Omega Phi Alpha members seized a unique opportunity through the Founders’ Circle to leave a lasting legacy gift of service, leadership, and friendship.

Donations Raised

With immense gratitude and pride, we celebrate the Omega Phi Alpha Foundation’s immensely successful “Founders’ Circle” campaign, which soared past its goal, raising an impressive $57,063.

Our Founders’ Circle members, Inaugural Donors, and the Foundation’s first volunteers drove this remarkable achievement with their vision, generosity, and commitment.

By joining the Founders’ Circle, these visionary individuals demonstrated their love and dedication to our organization, empowering our current and future members via Omega Phi Alpha Foundation. Membership in the Founders’ Circle was reserved for those who made a personal contribution of $2,500 or more, and they are now recognized in perpetuity for their remarkable generosity.

Thank you to our Founders’ Circle Members and Inaugural Donors to the Foundation!

Founders’ Circle Members

Alyssa Bernhardt

Olivia Bush

Pamela Caskie

Vicki Cooper

Judy Grella-Acosta

Arlene Green

Andie (Bowman) Hixson

Danica Hoose

Amanda Lowry and Russell Borum

Pamela McCullough McEwen

Ginger McGarity

Suzy (Sweeney) McTaggart

Thea Moritz (In Memory of Ann DeMatteo)

Cheryl and Doug Roberts

Kristen and David Sanders

Jan Schnack Sedory

Susan Terzian Family

Jan and Jim Titsworth

Leann Williams

Inaugural Donors to the Foundation

Susie Larson

Christy Rittenberry Vermillion

Cindy Viktorin

Kelly Wickersham